Brief summary

I worked as a massage therapist until 2009, when a car accident left me with long term whiplash and effectively ended my career. Round about that time, I found out that I'd had Asperger's Syndrome my entire life - a discovery that explained a lot of the earlier difficulties and challenges I'd had. Since then... well, that's what this blog is exploring.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Apparently I write like...

I followed a link to a site that supposedly analyses blocks of text and makes comparisons to famous writers. Out of curiosity, I pasted in stuff I'd written myself to see what came up. I find it hard to comment, though, because I haven't read anything by most of these people.

Some of these are postings in this blog, by the way.

"Social anxieties" (On the subject of Asperger's Syndrome) gave me Jane Austen.
"I loathe, detest and despise Braveheart" (The title is pretty self-explanatory) gave me William Gibson.
"Internal OCDs" (Thoughts on the differences between standard OCDs and autistic thought processes) gave me Cory Doctorow.
"A dream of castration" (Another self-explanatory one) gave me Cory Doctorow again.
"Penthouse and the Spave VIxens" (A sci-fi comedy) gave me Edgar Allen Poe.

So... OK... Edgar Allen Poe? Seriously? He's the only writer I've read and I love the comparison, but of all the stories I've ever written, I'm sure "Penthouse and the Space Vixens" is about as far from him as it's possible to get. Certainly further than anything else I've written.

Anyway, if anyone's curious about making their own comparisons, then check out the site. It's at

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